Thursday 2 July 2015

Simple things

What keeps stopping me writing my blog? Pride and selfishness.

I want what I write to be Something. To be Life Changing. To be Mind Blowing. To be Impressive and make me look Very Spiritual.

But the stuff God says to me is very simple. It's not new. It's been said much better by others many times. But. I keep needing to hear these simple things again and again.

And maybe, me writing these Simple Things will just be a reminder to you that God has said these Simple Things to you before as well.  But like me, you forget.

And God in His incomprehensible grace and mercy reminded me patiently again: I love you.

And asked me to write it on my blog so He could remind you again too: I love you.

Yes, even though [put here all the reasons you come up with why you think He shouldn't love you].

So from here on, I commit myself to write Simple Things. Things that have been said before and said better. But things we forget in the all the loud shoutings of life, the world, family, work, media and our thoughts bombarding us every day.

So here I offer my Simple Thing for today:

God says "I love you".   To you.  Yes you.

And He means it.

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