Tuesday 29 September 2015

Known by our love

“by this everyone will know that you are my disciples . . . “ John 13:35a

What are Christians known for by today’s society?  By what they are against? For hypocrisy and dogmatism? Nice but a bit misguided? Not tolerant enough? A bit out of date and out of touch?

This is how we should stand out:

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:35

Our love should be the defining characteristic that marks our lives. People today often say that faith is a personal thing. They keep it is so private that no one knows what they believe.

Heidi Baker puts it this way: “Love looks like something”. If you love someone, it is expressed in outward ways that cannot be hidden.  If I said I loved you but there was no evidence of it, you would question the reality of the love.  If I didn’t talk with you, want to spend time with you or help you where I could, you would wonder how ‘real’ this love was.

It is the same with our love for the Lord. Christians today have got such a firm grasp on grace which is great: I don’t have to do anything in order to earn God’s love. This is true. But if my love for him does not make a difference to the way I live my life, I question how theoretical this love is.   Love cannot be contained as an emotion, ideal or inner conviction.  Love expresses itself in sacrifice, service and action.

In Matthew 25: 31 – 46 Jesus explains that those who inherit eternal life are those who fed the hungry, cared for the poor and visited the sick. While their salvation was not earned by these things, their love was expressed  and evidenced by these things.

I believe on the last day when the true church is revealed that there will be a distinctive mark of love in the lives of those who truly loved God.

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