Friday 29 January 2016

Connect your charger

I don't know about you but my phone regularly displays the message 'Connect your charger'.

My phone regularly needs its battery charged by being plugged into the mains power supply. Left by itself it will not last much more than a day and a half before fizzling out.

One day it struck me that this is how I am with God. I need to connect with Him regularly. Daily. To plug into His infinite resources.  To receive the power to live in a way that honours Him.

I tend to run around trying to be very impressive for God in my own strength and fizzling out.

I love the way John 7:38-39 puts it:

'Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. By this he meant the Spirit'

Wow. How I would like that to be a description of me - that rivers of living water flow out from me.

And yet the criteria is very simple: believing and trusting in Him. Which means going to Him to receive the power, the water, the Spirit, the resources needed. And then simply to let that flow from me.

When the power has come from Him.  There is always more to plug into.
When the resources have come from Him. They never run out.
When the rivers find their source in Him. There is limitless supply.

And then He gets the glory. Because it is His power on display.

Father, thank you for reminding me through my mobile phone for my constant need to come to You for all I need. May my life bring You glory because of Your power displayed. Amen.

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