Wednesday 2 November 2016

Bring me your tangled knots

The other day a friend of mine told me how her daughter had some string that had got all knotted. She tried to untangle it but couldn't. Eventually she brought it to her mum and asked for her help. My friend told her daughter to go off and play while she sorted it out. Once the string was untangled, she called her daughter back and gave it to her.

That night she couldn't sleep because of lots of worries, concerns and problems going round in her mind. Then she heard God say, "My daughter, bring me your tangled knots. Leave them with Me and get some rest."

Oh how we need to be like little children. We worry and fret and strive over our knots which we can't untangle. And all the while our loving heavenly Father says, "Bring your knots to Me. Let Me untangle them. Only I have the wisdom, patience and skill to do it anyway. Stop fretting.  I have given you many gifts to enjoy.  Leave the knots with Me and in time I will call you back and show you what I have done."

Thank You Father for your great love for us. We are your children. We bring You the tangled knots of our lives and thank You that we can trust them to Your love, wisdom, patience and kindness.  Amen.


  1. I love this! I sometimes find that I'm so focussed on the knots, that I miss all the good stuff that's happening all around me.

  2. Ha ha! God has a sense of humour. On the SAME day I wrote this post, my own daughter brought me a load of threads all tangled in a knot! My response? Let me just get a pair of scissors!! I'll leave you to draw your own spiritual or not so spiritual conclusions about that scenario!!
