Thursday 4 March 2021

Waking up in the middle of an overly familiar verse.


When you first start learning to play scales on the piano, you start with the easiest scale - C major. It's the one with no sharps or flats.  Just the white notes.  It's easy.

But actually, by the time I got to Grade 8, I used to find it the hardest.  Why?  Because it was so hard to actually stay awake and concentrating while you did it.  You just fell asleep in a sea of white notes and would 'wake up' with no idea if you had done two octaves or three yet or whether you were remotely on track to finish with your thumb on the final note. 

It can be the same with certain verses of the Bible too.  Do you know the ones I mean? 

The ones you've heard a MILLION times.

They are so familiar that you can barely even stay awake as you read them - 'For God so loved . . . '  - and you zone out because you can't believe there's anything new to hear.  It sounds terrible but it's true. 

This morning I felt like I 'woke up' in the middle of a familiar verse.  And I realised I'd been getting it so wrong for so many years.  

Here is my old 'soundtrack' or 'internal commentary' on Matthew 6:33

'Seek first' - It's hard work Claire. You've got to put the effort in. It's really down to you to try hard enough.  You've got to make this happen.

'the kingdom of God'  - Well this is about people being saved, so I must do evangelism and bring people to church and feel guilty about all the people I've not converted or tried to convert.  I'm really not trying hard enough here.

'His righteousness' - Basically I've got to try really hard to be as good as Jesus.  Which I will definitely fail at. So my duty then becomes to feel guilty about this and beat myself up about it sufficiently to hopefully please God that at least I'm sorry about it. 

'all these things will be added to you' - This means you get a nice, easy, comfortable life with no stresses or difficulties.  This means you will always feel content and cheerful because things will go your way.  If I don't experience this then it's because I'm not doing the first part right. 

THEN GOD DONKED ME ON THE HEAD WITH A LARGE STICK (metaphorically speaking) and gently suggested that this verse actually means this:

'seek first the kingdom of God' - Let go of trying to be your own king and run your own life. Just seek God Himself and let His wisdom guide you. Stop trying to be the boss and make it happen. Just ask Him to be Your King and teach you how to live His way.  His way is generally better!

'and His righteousness'- Actually Jesus offers us HIS righteousness as a FREE gift.  Lay your sins down at the cross.  Ask Him to forgive and cleanse you. And RECEIVE the incredible robe of righteousness He bought for you at the cross.  You don't have to earn it. You don't have to deserve it. Let yourself be forgiven and live in the joy and peace of that. 

'all these things will be added' - Let God pick what things HE wants to add to your life.   His choices are better than ours. Always. 

Thank you God that it's really all about what You do for me.  Help me live in the joy and freedom of that truth. Amen. 

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