Friday 1 December 2023

God's job offer to you

We moved to Southampton during the summer - a bit of a step of faith as neither of us had jobs down here yet.  At first, we were so thankful for the blessing of time to get the house sorted and settle in without also having to dive into a new job.  But over time - and a few rejections later - it became harder to keep my eyes on God and trust Him to provide for us. 

I've filled in lots of application forms and had a few interviews and this morning during my morning time with God, this came to me:

God's Job Offer to You

Position:  child of the King

Title:  Beloved

Salary:  every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus

Length of contract:  eternal, permanent, irrevocable

Hours: every moment of every day for the rest of your life

References:  not needed - He knows about every day of your life already


  • accept the position
  • receive His love for you
  • trust His promises
  • believe you are loved
  • let yourself be who He made you to be, not who others tell you you should be
  • stay close enough to God so that you can hear His heart beat and He can hear yours
  • listen out for His voice which can come at any time of day or night - usually when you most need it

Benefits in kind:

  • an eternal dwelling prepared for you
  • treasure that is eternally secure
  • the presence of Holy Spirit
  • love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
  • many others too numerous to be listed here but which will be revealed to you day by day should you accept the role
Closing date:  none

Now there's a job offer I cannot refuse.  

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