Thursday 28 October 2021

Bringing my 'to do' list to Jesus

I have a lot in common with my hamsters.  

I do a lot of running around, but I don't always get anywhere. 

I can sometimes feel like if I'm not exhausted then I've not been trying hard enough. Maybe some of you can relate. 

This morning I felt draw to the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42.  I tried to read it slowly and see what God wanted to show me. 

It says 'a woman named Martha opened her home to [Jesus]' in verse 38.

This reminded me of the teaching Jesus gave on the sheep and goats in Matthew 25:35 where he describes the evidence of those who are true believers: 'you gave me something to eat . . . and you gave me something to drink . . .  and you invited me in'. 

Martha's heart was to love and serve Jesus. She was truly His.

Her sister Mary also truly loved Jesus and was His.  Her love for Him expressed itself in sitting at the Lord's feet listening to what he said (verse 39). She just wanted to be with Him, to worship Him, to drink in His words.  Her devotion was expressed by simply spending time with Him - giving Him her undivided attention.  

Martha's love for Jesus was expressed in service.  Verse 40 says that the preparations 'had to be made'. It was important and necessary to feed Jesus and his disciples. It was a valid way to express love for Him. It was good. 

What was wrong was her resentful attitude that Mary wasn't helping, and her sense of superiority about her own choices.  She felt that she was doing what was right by rushing around busily, whilst Mary was 'lazy'. Martha was judgemental of her sister.  

She also tried to publicly shame her. Rather than quietly whispering to Mary, "I could really do with a hand," she went to Jesus, who would have had everyone's attention.  Everyone would listen to His response and be guided by how He responded. 

Martha wanted to be publicly validated for what she was doing and her sister publicly reprimanded and shown to be 'lesser' or inferior.

Jesus saw straight into Martha's heart. He said, "You are worried and upset about many things."  He could see that this wasn't the only thing Martha was worked up about; it was one of many. Perhaps Mary not helping at this point was the final straw; the final irritation that released a whole dam of frustration and revealed the true state of her heart.

Martha was not casting her cares on Jesus here. She was asking him to validate her cares; to say she was right to be worked up about this situation. 

How humbling. Because Martha sought Jesus' approval publicly, she had to endure his rebuke publicly. 

Jesus starts by saying her name twice.  

Oh the love He expressed as He said her name. 

Oh the longing in His heart for her to be set free from her wrong attitude. 

Oh the kindness and gentleness with which He told her that He knew. He saw. He understood the 'many things' in her heart that were worrying and upsetting her.  

Oh the grace with which He pointed her to what her soul really needed.

There were so many things that needed to be done.  So many things other people were doing or not doing that were stealing Martha's peace.  Jesus cut through her priority list, her judgment call as to what was really needed.   

The bottom line is, no matter what is on your 'to do' list today, only one thing is really needed. 

That is to sit at Jesus' feet. Not performing for Him. Not achieving a spiritual 'to do' list of reading a number of chapters or going through a prayer list. 

Still yourself enough to hear Him speak.  

Yes, read His Word - but only to listen to His heart speak to Yours.  Not to earn favour or to feel pride in your accomplishment 'for Him'.  

Yes, pray - but not 'empty words' of duty; but truly, honestly opening up the mess of your heart to Him.  Because He knows it all already anyway!!

How many days I rush into my 'to do' lists, telling God I'll squeeze Him in when everything else is done.  But it never is. 

There are always more jobs to do. 

This is what I am starting to learn to do:

Lay your 'to do' list at His feet first thing in the morning. 

Ask Him what's on His list for the day.  

Here's His first answer:

'Spend some time with me.'

'Listen, listen to Me that your soul may live' (Isaiah 55:3)

'Receive my love'

Sometimes He shows me I have things on my list that don't need to be there.

Sometimes He prompts me about things I wasn't planning to do.

When I get that right - spending time with Him - first thing, it's amazing how I manage to accomplish things that matter with the rest of my day too. 

Thank you Jesus for what you have shown me in your word. Help me and my friends make this our habit - to lay our 'to do' lists before You each day and spend a few moments sitting at Your feet. Amen.


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