Saturday 2 October 2021

Who are you stuck behind?


Yesterday morning my daughter Charlotte was ready for school early.  

"Wow! How did that happen?" I asked.

"It's because of Peter!" she replied.

Peter had bounced out of bed on the dot of 7am.  He'd efficiently done all his jobs and helped the rest of us with ours and got himself ready for school in super quick time.  His motivation?  He wanted to look something up about a computer game and knew he would only be allowed to do it if he was all ready for school with enough time to spare.  And because he was up and being efficient, somehow it rubbed off on the rest of us and we all found ourselves ready early too!  

It reminded me of a joke where a man arrived to work late and his boss asked, "Why are you late?"  He replied, "Sorry, I was stuck behind a tractor."  The next day he arrived to work early and his boss asked, "How come you are early today?"  The reply came, "Oh, this morning I was stuck behind a Ferrari!"

I thought about how birds fly in a V formation because it's easier to fly just behind another bird.  My husband tells me cyclists do it too - cycling in the other person's slipstream makes your ride easier. 

This got me thinking about how we influence one another and also how we are influenced by the things we watch, read and listen to.   I heard a preacher a number of years ago talking about how each film you watch 'takes you on a journey' that influences and colours you - just a little, but all those 'just a little's add up over time.  

So I reflected - who am I 'stuck behind'?   And what is it like for others who are 'stuck behind' me?

It made me want to be more intentional about what I let influence me.  

There are so many ways to do this. When I want to be inspired and strengthened in my spiritual walk, I read the blogs of people who point me in the right direction.  I love biographies and autobiographies that flesh out what following Christ looked like for that person.  You can use apps and social media to keep bringing things in front of you that point you back to God.  There are YouTube videos, podcasts, radio and TV stations and no end of other ways to connect with Christian encouragement - especially now all our churches have begun putting their services online. In the past year I've found an app that has really helped me listen to scripture too.  Nothing like hearing the message straight from God Himself!

So what could be a model, example, encouragement, inspiration to you today in your spiritual walk?  

And maybe you could share something - in a message, in person, on social media?  - that might encourage someone else?  If you find something encouraging or helpful, chances are someone else will too.  

'Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today.' Hebrews 3:13

Let's help one another fly further and higher!

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