Friday 9 October 2015


When I first met Lucas, now my husband, I was under a lot of pressure at work and needed to do a serious chunk of  preparation each Saturday for the week ahead.  We so wanted to be together that I would come round to his house and sit at his desk doing my work while he did housework and other jobs.  Every so often he'd come and rub my shoulders, offer me a cup of tea and ask how it was going. I loved it!  But even when he was in another part of the house I still had a wonderful sense of us being together while we were doing our separate work. We just enjoyed being in the same house, even though we were not spending time focused on each other.

So it is with God. It's not that we have to always be 100% focused on Him, although we do need some time like that.  Rather, I am discovering 'doing life' in His company.

I recently attended a church women's "quiet day" during which we were  given some time to be quiet.  As the leader introduced the session I felt the Lord simply said to me "Enjoy".  We were in a beautiful location and were encouraged to explore the woods and lake during our 'quiet time'.

So I went for a walk in the woods and I simply enjoyed it. I enjoyed the quiet sounds. The crunching under my feet. The snapping of twigs. Scuffing debris underfoot. The gentle rain pattering on the leaves above. The sound of other's footsteps.  The quiet serene beauty. The stillness and quiet of trees simply putting roots down and spreading out their branches in grateful praise. Not striving to be the most impressive tree or to be planted elsewhere. Just being who they are, where they are planted and receiving the seasons and provision of rain as God's good and perfect plan.  Not trying to earn it or deserve it. And I enjoyed knowing God was with me and was sharing in my enjoyment of this amazing part of His creation.

Whatever we enjoy is made more beautiful by recognising it is all a love gift from Him. And enjoying it together with Him, knowing He is present with us.

Enjoying His presence.  Enjoying being loved by Him. Enjoying Him.

Just as I want my children to enjoy good things I give them, so my Heavenly Father wants me to enjoy the good gifts He gives.  He also wants me to enjoy Him.  Not to come with guilt, obligation and duty. Not trying to 'tick off' prayer, Bible reading or worship from my 'to do' list. But as with someone you love, to just to enjoy being with Him no matter what we're doing.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your presence in my life and the many good gifts I receive from you each day. Thank you that you delight in us simply enjoying your provision and enjoying You. Help me to keep remembering to 'do life' with you whatever I am doing.  Amen

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