Friday 2 October 2015

God's love is everywhere

One of the things I love about working with pre-schoolers is that it makes you focus on the basic and simple messages of the gospel and makes you spend time reflecting on ways to communicate them in easy to understand ways.   And I find that it does me so much good.  I minister to myself at least as much if not more than I do to them. This is why I highly recommend getting involved with teaching children in Sunday school or some other group.  You may doze through a dozen sermons and not remember much of what was said. But you will remember the truths you strove hard to convey in a fun and lively way to a bunch of children.

So it was for me today. At toddler group, we're simply working through the story of creation. Obviously something I'm super familiar with. Probably over familiar with.  However, this time as we've gone through the creation story I've been doing it with a new focus.

The thing that has struck me is how the whole of creation is an expression of God's love for us.  Today we looked at different kinds of leaves and flowers I'd brought in from the garden.

Aren't they lovely? They are so beautiful.
Aren't they varied? He didn't have to make so many kinds.
Aren't they incredible?  They make food from sunlight, air and water!
They are necessary for us to keep having oxygen to breathe! The cleverest scientists in the world still don't fully understand how they do it.

Just a simple leaf tells me how powerful, wise and loving God is. And we are so used to it we have grown deaf and blind to what it tells us. We have lost the child-like wonder of how incredible it is.

Open your eyes today and look at the things you have become familiar with and take for granted.  Just stop and think about how they got there and why they are there. And take some time to thank the One who put them there - for the love He has for you that caused Him to put them there.

I bow in awe at Your feet Creator God. Your might and power are greater than we can grasp and Your love deeper than we will ever know. I love You. I worship You. I adore You. Amen.

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