Tuesday 3 February 2015

Manna for today - Don't work!

Sharing what I have 'gathered' for today 1 Feb 2015

Romans 4:5
‘And to the one who does not work but trust him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.’

According to this verse, God justifies:
the one who does not work’
the ungodly’

I’m a bit shocked!
Rather, He looks for trust and faith.

Why? Then He gets the glory.
He is the amazing One.
He is the gracious One.

If I have to work for my salvation, it’s just like being paid for doing a job (Rom 4:4). There’s nothing special about that.

If my justification is a gift . . .
It’s insulting to try to pay someone back for a gift.

My salvation rests on grace so that it can be guaranteed (Rom 4:16). If it rested on my performance there would be no guarantee.

God counts me as righteous as Abraham, as righteous as Jesus

And I’ll have to do is believe it!

Forgive me Lord for try to pay you back for your free gift. I accept it. I receive it. I rejoice in it. Amen.

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