Tuesday 3 February 2015

Manna for today - take your umbrella down

Sharing what I have 'gathered' for today 2 Feb 2015

Romans 5:5
‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.’

I am loved. Fact.
Love has been poured into my heart as a free gift.

Why do I not feel it or believe it sometimes?

Because I believe the lies of the enemy –

You’re not worthy.
You don’t deserve it.
You’ve not tried hard enough.
You’ve not repented enough.
You’re too selfish.

And it’s like I’ve taken the shield of faith which I’m meant to use to shield my heart from these fiery darts from the enemy and I’ve stuck it over my head like an umbrella to block God’s message of love out of some false sense of humility or shame.

How crazy is that?!?

Lord, give us discernment as to the lies we let ourselves believe that stop us receiving and rejoicing in the love You are pouring into our hearts. I take my umbrella down and dance in the monsoon rain of love You are pouring down on me. I reposition the shield of faith to block the enemy’s lies that aim to steal my joy and freedom. Amen.

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