Monday 21 December 2015

Fullness of joy

Sometimes it can seem as if a particular word keeps cropping up and for me lately that word has been ‘joy’. And I’ve felt like it’s something I really want but don’t really know what it really is or how to get it. So I’ve been meditating on this scripture:

You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
Psalm 16:11

And here I discover that it’s actually very simple. Joy is found in His presence. In a strange way it can seem easier to pursue joy by running around trying to do and get things that give me pleasure and minimise the things that I don’t like.

What if the challenge of finding joy was simply this: to say ‘no’ to some of the busy-ness: the ‘jobs’ that seem so necessary, the TV watching time that seems so important for relaxing, the social engagements that are so fun. What if it was simply to say ‘yes’ to Jesus. To sit quietly in His presence. To take time not just to blurt out all the things I’m struggling with and all the things I want him to do for me. But to take time to ‘be’ in His presence. To still my soul to listen to Him. To tune into His heart. To let myself know His love and power available for me right here and now. 

Jesus, forgive me for hunting for joy in all the wrong places. It is found in You. I come to You now. Show me the path of life – to walk with You through this life. Help me still myself now before You and to hear and receive what You want to show me. Amen.

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