Saturday 19 December 2015

Jesus gotta be top of the list

I am a woman who writes lists. I always have a sheet of paper on the go that is a ‘to do’ list. Then I usually have another that is my list of what I want to achieve that day. I usually am too ambitious about what I want to get done and add things until the list is too long to accomplish.

But when  it comes to Christmas, I now get a notebook. A notebook of lists with a list of the lists it contains in the front!!  There is always so much to remember and do.

This year we taught the Sunday school children a Colin Buchanan song called ‘Jesus gotta be top of the list’ from his fantastic album Jingle Jingle Jesus.  The chorus goes like this:

Jesus gotta be top of the list at Christmas
Jesus gotta be top of the list all year.

This gets repeated a lot so it has got well and truly stuck in my head this Christmas. And it has really spoken to me and challenged me. I’ve taken to writing ‘Jesus’ at the top of all my lists. But the real place he needs to be ‘top of the list’ is in my heart.

Christmas is a time with many different expectations of present buying, card writing, party attending etc etc and it can get quite hectic.  And when things get busy, what gets squeezed out? Time with God? Patience with my children? Kindness to my husband? Peace in my heart?

If I can’t put Jesus top of the list at Christmas, when it’s supposed to be all about him, then how is he going to be top of the list the rest of the year?

Jesus, I want to put you top of the list in my heart now, this Christmas and all year. When I let other things crowd you out, will you lovingly and gently remind me. Thank you.  Amen.

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