Sunday 20 December 2015

Little things

This year I got to see both my two children in a nativity play at their primary school. It was called Prickly Hay and told the story of the stable boy who cleaned out the stable and put fresh soft hay in the manger for baby Jesus to sleep on. 

At one point he complains that nobody sees the job he does and that it’s not very important. But it turns out to have been very important because it meant that the stable was clean for Jesus to be born in and the hay was soft for Jesus to lie on.

Part way through the children sing a song with this chorus:

If you think you’re not important
For the little things you do
Just remember God above
Is very proud of you.

As an ‘at home’ mum with both children now at school, I have wrestled with feeling not important, not seen and that what I do is very ‘little’.

But this song reminded me of a quote of Mother Theresa that I used to have up on the wall:

‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.’

I was reminded again not to judge the importance of things by the world’s standards. God looks at the heart and little things done with great love are great things in His eyes. 

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