Wednesday 23 December 2015

The year of the stockings

Well it all started in Hobbycraft. I saw a cute little stocking with reindeers on the front and I wanted one. But the stocking was too small. I wanted a bigger one with those smiling reindeers on. And so birthed in my heart the desire to make  a stocking for each of my two children that was ‘not too big’ and ‘not too small’ and ‘just right’. And then I saw the sparkly iron-on letters and now I wanted to make personalised stockings for my children.

So I shared my idea with my husband who said “No. We have stockings already for the children. There is already so much to do. This task is unnecessary.” And he was right. And I agreed with him.

But this desire had got a grip of me and although I had agreed with my husband, I went out and bought the stuff I would need ‘just in case I had some spare time’. And then, with the stuff in my house, my desire to make it grew even stronger and I started on the stockings surreptitiously when my husband was out.  I kept working on them until they were nearly finished before confessing to my husband so that by then it would be too late for him to tell me to stop. (He was very lovely and gracious to me when I confessed by the way.)

When they were finished I was really pleased with how they looked. They’d turned out better than I’d hoped. But they are tinged with sadness now, because of the way I did it.

It’s not wrong or sinful to make personalised stockings for your children. (Although it is not strictly necessary). However, my deceit towards my husband by saying one thing and doing another, and my putting my desire for these stockings above honesty and submission to my husband, that was wrong.

And then when I hung the stockings by the fire place, the children were very excited, but I realised I had made it be all about getting presents and that was not where the focus should be.

So I have since made another personalised stocking that says “Jesus”. I have hung that above the fireplace. And my desire is to help myself and my family to focus on what we can give to the One who gave everything for us. 

Jesus, help me honour You in the way I prepare for and 'do' Christmas. Help me see what is important and what is not. May I give you the gift of my love and obedience this Christmas. Amen.

Post script:
Here is Jesus' stocking and its contents when we pulled them all out on Christmas day.  See my comment below.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to add a note about how it went on Christmas day. After the children had opened their stockings and we'd had breakfast, we sat down and opened Jesus' stocking, pulling out the different things we'd put in there. As well as some 'good gifts' (e.g. chickens, shoeboxes and coats for refugees) we'd also put in some non-money things: e.g. the fruits of the Spirit (this was my son's idea. I already had a little set of laminated fruits with them on). We had also written on little heart shaped gift tags things like: praying, reading the Bible, singing praises to God, trusting God. It helped us have a really good discussion about 'giving' to God during the time of advent as we kept on thinking of things to add to the stocking. And then it was lovely to pull them all out and see them together.
